Re: Increase the visibility of your university's research!

From: SUGITA Shigeki <sugita_at_LIB.HOKUDAI.AC.JP>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 13:04:47 +0900

> I think harvesters need the primary contents of the IRs, searchable by
> content-type, etc., and that is what the OAI service-providers provide. To
> :

In Japan, almost twenty universities have their institutional repositories or plan to have them.
Last Friday, some of the IR staffs had a meeting, which was titled "How to have relationship with the link resolvers" at Hokkaido University.

What we discussed at the meeting is:

   To add to OAI service-providers, to gain more visibility,

   (the present condition)
    Web of Science Navigation window by link resolvers
    INSPEC Fulltext at:
    PubMed -> <a>Science Direct</a>
    Biological Abstracts Library Holdings at:
    PsycInfo <a>OPAC</a>

   (Our consideration for the future)
    Web of Science Navigation window by link resolvers for SD licenced users
    INSPEC Fulltext at:
    PubMed -> <a>Science Direct</a>
    Biological Abstracts <a>Auhtor version at *** Univ.</a>
    PsycInfo Library Holdings at:
     : <a>OPAC</a>

    Web of Science Navigation window by link resolvers for SD non-licenced users
    INSPEC Fulltext at:
    PubMed -> <a>Auhtor version at *** Univ.</a>
    Biological Abstracts Library Holdings at:
    PsycInfo <a>OPAC</a>

Please let us know if anybody know any projects or references about the concepts like above.
Also, if there are any ideas and advices, we would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

SUGITA Shigeki <>
University Librarian, Hokkaido University, JAPAN
Received on Wed Feb 01 2006 - 11:28:05 GMT

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