Re: Dealing with embargoed articles in IRs

From: David Goodman <dgoodman_at_Princeton.EDU>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 18:51:43 -0500

Right. They are more likely to improve if they
receive compaints. Such information will not encourage the existence of embargos.
They already exist. They are a timid step towards OA, and better than
no access at all.
It's absurd not to give the access data we know--we are after all posting for
the benefit of the reader (and everyone else).
Furthermore, we're OA in spirit also, and do not hide what we know.

In biomedicine the metadata will always be on the OA service PubMed, but I
would support posting it anyway, first for consistency of finding it, and
second in case PubMed is slow--only the high priority journals are entered immediately
or even before publication.
Furthermore, PubMed does not currently indicate for articles in embargoed journal
when the article becomes accessible.

As I have been critical of the button in previous postings, I wonder if anyone
can tell me how to find a list of such articles, so
I can get some statistics, instead of condemning them based on
minimal data froim the beta period.

> There is no reason whatsoever to advertise publishers' embargo
> policiesfor them! The button simply indicates that the document in
> question(metadata displayed) is in Closed Access for the time
> being, but that
> individual copies can be requested from the author via the button.
> (Maybe it *would* be a good idea to name-and-shame embargoers! It's
> a trade-off, though, between having that effect, versus entrenching
> and spreading the policy of embargoing. So probably the less said,
> the better. Let the button do the work.)
> Stevan Harnad
> Access-Forum.html
Received on Thu Dec 21 2006 - 01:37:04 GMT

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