Re: JISC/SIRIS "Subject and Institutional Repositories Interactions Study"

From: Stevan Harnad <amsciforum_at_GMAIL.COM>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2008 10:32:17 -0500

On 30-Nov-08, at 9:08 AM, Neil Jacobs (JISC) wrote:

            Thanks Stevan,

            You're right, of course, the report does not
            cover policies.  The brief for the work was
            to look for practical ways that
            subject/funder and institutional repositories
            can work together within the constraints of
            the current policies of their host
            organisations.  There are discussions to be
            had at the policy level, but we felt that
            there were also practical things to be done
            now, without waiting for that.

Hi Neil,

I was referring to the JISC report's recommendations, which mention a
number of things, but not how to get the repositories filled (despite
noting the problem that they are empty). 

It seems to me that the practical problems of what to do with -- and
how to work together with -- empty repositories are trumped by the
practical problem of how to get the repositories filled. 

Moreover, the solution to the practical problem of how the
repositories (both institutional and subject/funder) can work
together is by no means independent of the practical problem of how
to get them filled -- including the all-important question of the
locus of direct deposit: 

The crucial question (for both policy and practice) is whether direct
deposit is to be divergent and competitive (as it is now, being
sometimes institutional and sometimes central) or convergent and
synergistic (as it can and ought to be), by systematically mandating
convergent institutional deposit, reinforced by both institutional
and funder mandates, followed by central harvesting -- rather than
divergent, competing mandates requiring deposits willy-nilly,
resulting in confusion, understandable resistance to divergent or
double deposit, and, most important, the failure to capitalize on
funder mandates so as to reinforce institutional mandates.

Institutions, after all, are the producers of all refereed research
output, in all subjects, and whether funded or unfunded. Get all the
institutions to provide OA to all their own refereed research output,
and you have 100% OA (and all the central harvests from it that you

As it stands, however, funder and institutional mandates are pulling
researchers needlessly in divergent directions. And (many) funder
mandates in particular, instead of adding their full weight behind
the drive to get all refereed research to be made OA, are thinking,
parochially, only of their own funded fiefdom, by arbitrarily
insisting on direct deposit in central repositories that could easily
harvest instead from the institutional repositories, if convergent
institutional deposit were mandated by all -- with the bonus that all
research, and all institutions, would be targeted by all mandates.

It is not too late to fix this. It is still early days. There is no
need to take the status quo for granted, especially given that most
repositories are still empty.

I hope the reply will not be the usual (1) "What about researchers
whose institutions still don't have IRs?": Let those author's
 deposit provisionally in DEPOT for now, from which they can be
automatically exported to their IRs as soon as they are created,
using the SWORD protocol. With all mandates converging systematically
on IRs, you can be sure that this will greatly facilitate and
accelerate both IR creation and IR deposit mandate adoption. But with
just unfocussed attempts to accommodate to the recent, random, and
unreflecting status quo, all that is guaranteed is to perpetuate it.

Nor is the right reply (2) "Since all repositories, institutional and
subject/funder, are OAI-interoperable, it doesn't matter where
authors deposit!" Yes, they are interoperable, and yes, it would not
matter where authors deposited -- if they were indeed all depositing
in one or the other. But most authors are not depositing, and that is
the point. Moreover, most institutions are not mandating deposit at
all yet and that is the other point. Funder mandates can help induce
institutions -- the universal research providers -- to create IRs and
adopt institutional deposit mandates if the funder mandates are
convergent on IR deposit. But funder mandates have the opposite
effect if they instead insist on central deposit. So the fact that
both types of repository are interoperable is beside the point.

Une puce à l'oreille (not to be confused with a gadfly),

Stevan Harnad


      Stevan Harnad wrote:
            The /JISC/SIRIS "Report of the Subject and
            Institutional Repositories Interactions
            2008) "/was commissioned by JISC to produce a
            set of practical recommendations for steps
            that can be taken to improve the interactions
            between institutional and subject
            repositories in the UK/" but it fails to make
            clear the single most important reason why
            Institutional Repositories' "/desired
            'critical mass' of content is far from having
            been achieved/."

            The following has been repeatedly
            demonstrated (1) in cross-national,
            cross-disciplinary surveys (by Alma Swan
            uncited in the report) on what authors
            /state/ that they will and won't do and (2)
            in outcome studies (by Arthur Sale
            likewise uncited in the report) on what
            authors /actually do/, confirming the survey

               *Most authors will not deposit until and
            unless their universities

               and/or their funders make deposit

            But if and when

               deposit is made mandatory, over 80% will
            deposit, and deposit

               willingly. (A further 15% will deposit
            reluctantly, and 5% will

               not comply with the mandate at all.) In
            contrast, the spontaneous

               (unmandated) deposit rate is and remains
            at about 15%, for years

               now (and adding incentives and assistance
            but no mandate only

               raises this deposit rate to about 30%).*

            The JISC/SIRIS report merely states:
            "/Whether deposit of content is mandatory is
            a decision that will be made by each
            institution/," but it does not even list the
            necessity of mandating deposit as one of its
            recommendations, even though it is the
            crucial determinant of whether or not the
            institutional repository ever manages to
            attract its target content.

            Nor does the JISC/SIRIS report indicate how
            institutional and funder mandates reinforce
            one another
            nor how to make both mandates and locus of
            deposit systematically convergent and
            complementary (deposit institutionally,
            harvest centrally
            rather than divergent and competitive --
            though surely that is the essence of
            "/Subject and Institutional Repositories

            There are now 58 deposit mandates already
            adopted worldwide (28 from
            universties/faculties, including Southampton<
            %20of%20Glasgow>, Liège<
            C3%A9%20de%20Li%C3%A8ge>, Harvard<
            and Stanford<
            0University%20School%20of%20Education>, and
            30 from funders, including 6/7 Research
            Councils UK
            European Research Council<
            0Research%20Council%20%28ERC%29>and the US
            National Institutes of Health<
            0Institutes%20of%20Health%20%28NIH%29>) plus
            at least 11 known mandate proposals pending
            (including a unanimous recommendation from
            the European Universities Association<
            council, for its 791 member universities in
            46 countries, plus a recommendation to the
            European Commission from the European Heads
            of Research Councils<

            It is clear now that mandated OA
            self-archiving is the way that the world will
            reach universal OA at long last. Who will
            lead and who will follow will depend on who
            grasps this, at long last, and takes the
            initiative. Otherwise, there's not much point
            in giving or taking advice on the
            interactions of empty repositories...

               Swan, A., Needham, P., Probets, S., Muir,
            A., Oppenheim, C.,

               O'Brien, A., Hardy, R., Rowland, F. and
            Brown, S.

               (2005) Developing a model for e-prints and
            open access journal

               content in UK further and higher education

            /Learned Publishing/, 18

               (1). pp. 25-40.

            *Stevan Harnad

      Neil Jacobs <>
      JISC Executive, Beacon House, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8
      +44 (0)117 33 10772   /   07768 040179

      Anything in this message which does not clearly relate to
      the official
      work of the sender's organisation shall be understood as
      neither given
      nor endorsed by that organisation.

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