Re: EPrint Request Button

From: Stevan Harnad <>
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 12:32:36 -0500

On 9-Feb-10, at 11:54 AM, J.W.T.Smith wrote:

> I didn't make it clear - I meant the final 'as published' PDF. Many
> authors simply don't keep draft/submitted versions. I had a
> distinguished Prof in my office yesterday who simply couldn't see
> the point of keeping anything but a copy of the published version.

(1) For retrospective deposits, when authors have nothing left but the
publisher's PDF, deposit that.

(2) The Button can be used to provide eprints of that just the same/

(3) For current work, deposit the author's final draft, immediately
upon acceptance, while it's still at hand!

> Our repository checks logins against the central UKC domain. So if
> you don't have a Kent login you can't access it (except to view the
> contents).

That can be fixed, so the IR software uses the current forwarding
address for authors who are no longer at the institution. (And I'm
sure the fix can work for both EPrints and DSpace. Moreoever, I bet
it's been implemented for some IRs already, (I'll let the experts
reply to confirm.)

Stevan Harnad
Received on Tue Feb 09 2010 - 17:35:32 GMT

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